Ocean Of Possibilities

Each of us has an ocean of possibilities, but most of us approach it with a teaspoon. – Jim Rohn Continue reading
Each of us has an ocean of possibilities, but most of us approach it with a teaspoon. – Jim Rohn Continue reading
Be realistic: plan for a miracle. – Osho Continue reading
Life might take you down different roads. But each of you gets to decide which one to take. – Gayle Forman Continue reading
If you are living out of a sense of obligation you are a slave. – Wayne Dyer Continue reading
The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself. – Wallace Stevens Continue reading
The happiest people I know are always evaluating and improving themselves. The unhappy people are evaluation and judging others. – Lisa Villa Prosen Continue reading
If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere. It’s up to you, New York New York. – Frank Sinatra Continue reading
Forget about your life situation and pay attention to your life. Your life situation exists in time. Your life is now. Your life situation is mind-stuff. – Eckhart Tolle Continue reading
Nefelibata (n.) Lit. “cloud walker”; one who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams or one who does not obey the conventions of society, literature or art. Continue reading
The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. – Joseph Campbell Continue reading