It was September 8, 2017. In our house that is a special day. As many of you know, we take birthdays seriously. And September 8th was Mama Nomad’s 2017 Birthday!
Now, commonly Mama Nomad wants to celebrate her birthday by going on a hike, outdoor exploration or some sort of historical trip. This year, she shook things up a bit.
You see, on September 6th we arrived in Florida after a 4 state in 4 weeks whirlwind trip. For those who did not see our previous posts, we lived in 4 states in 4 weeks. Now then, shortly after arriving in Northwestern Florida something happened in the Atlantic and that was Hurricane Irma.
Although we lived in Naples, Florida for years, we never had any hurricanes to prepare for. I have lived in tropical places and endured hurricanes/typhoons. However, Mama Nomad never had. So, what did we do for her birthday?
First, we actually started the day fairly normal (or what most consider normal). We had breakfast and coffee. A little later the boys and I presented Mama Nomad with cards, presents and cupcakes (that is what we used as a birthday cake). After that is when things took a different path than what is common for her celebrations.
We spent it running around buying storm supplies and preparing in case Irma decided to pay us a visit. Yep! We went and bought two 5 gallon water containers and filled them, picked up a container of organic, non-perishable food, bought batteries, tested flashlights and filled Ebony with fuel.
We culminated the evening by taking Mama Nomad out to a great little, local BBQ restaurant. The food and sweet tea were fantastic.
This was not a typical birthday celebration for Mama Nomad. However, I bet it will be a very memorable one for many years to come.