Watch With Glittering Eyes

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. – Roald Dahl Continue reading
And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. – Roald Dahl Continue reading
Get better daily. You should never be the same person two days in a row. GROW. Growth is always the best choice. – Tony Gaskins Continue reading
Home is wherever we are if there’s love there, too. – Jack Johnson Continue reading
The average dog has one request of all mankind. Love me. – Helen Exley Continue reading
Follow your passion. Stay true to yourself. Never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path. By all means, you should follow that. – Ellen DeGeneres Continue reading
There’s always a way if you’re not in a hurry. – Paul Theroux Continue reading
Enjoy the ride. Continue reading
In the end, we conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught. – Baba Dioum Continue reading
If you’re interested in food-related television shows, especially those that are whipping up sweet treats, you might have heard of a little show called Cake Boss. The nomad kiddos, and I used to watch Cake Boss before bed, and it was especially a favorite of mine, and our youngest nomad.… Continue reading
Some people can’t fathom what we do; moving from place to place, and only staying somewhere for a few months at a time. To those people I say, “That’s okay. Our lives are different.” – Mandy Barfield Continue reading