Ride With It And Enjoy It

We should learn to accept that change is truly the only thing that’s going on always, and learn to ride with it and enjoy it. – Alice Walker Continue reading
We should learn to accept that change is truly the only thing that’s going on always, and learn to ride with it and enjoy it. – Alice Walker Continue reading
Travelling’s not something you’re good at. It’s something you do. Like breathing. You can’t work too much at it, or it feels like work. You have to surrender yourself to the chaos. To the accidents. – Gayle Forman Continue reading
So let your heart, sweetheart, be your compass when you’re lost, and you should follow it wherever it may go. – Lady Antebellum Continue reading
Roam if you want to. Roam around the world. Continue reading
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Eliot Continue reading
Live for the moments you can’t put into words. Continue reading
Just relax. Continue reading
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them… Continue reading
Changes in latitudes. Changes in attitudes. – Jimmy Buffett Continue reading
The problem with waiting until tomorrow is that when it finally arrives, it is called today. – Jim Rohn Continue reading