1000 Mile Challenge

How many miles do you think you walked this year? I do not mean how many steps you walked throughout the house, strolling around the grocery store or jaunting to the car and back. I am referring to the amount of miles you purposely walked specifically for exercise. Well, at… Continue reading

Mama Nomad’s 2017 Birthday

It was September 8, 2017. In our house that is a special day. As many of you know, we take birthdays seriously. And September 8th was Mama Nomad’s 2017 Birthday! Now, commonly Mama Nomad wants to celebrate her birthday by going on a hike, outdoor exploration or some sort of… Continue reading

Happy Birthday Mama Nomad 2016

Another year has come and gone and it is that time again. Mama Nomad is the matriarch of our crazy, out of the box nomadic family. She is basically the lynch pin that holds us together by taking care of everything from travel research and points of interest to planning… Continue reading

Happy Birthday Mama Nomad

She’s the glue that holds this crazy Nomadic bunch together! She is the matriarch of the family and without her, we would truly be lost. In typical Nomad celebratory fashion, we will be spending the day doing what Mama Nomad wants to do. We are new to the area as… Continue reading

Waves Are Gonna Come

The waves are gonna come and all we can do is go with the flow. – Mandy Barfield Continue reading

18 Years

Happy 18th Anniversary! It was 18 years ago today that Mama and Daddy Nomad got married! We have been through ups and downs and we are still going 18 years strong and getting stronger by the day. We began on an adventure of marriage and we continue the journey as… Continue reading

If It Makes You Happy

If it makes you happy, do it. If it makes you cry, don’t do it. – Mandy Barfield Continue reading