Happy 17th Birthday Ethan

For many of you avid readers and fans of LivingNomadStyle.com, you know that our middle son, Ethan, was born on January 1st. So, while the rest of the world is celebrating New Year’s, we are saying “Happy 17th Birthday Ethan!” That’s right. Our middle son is now legally able to… Continue reading

Happy 16th Birthday Ethan

It’s that time again. Most of the world celebrated New Year’s today. At the Nomad household we celebrated a birthday. 16 years ago our middle Nomad son, Ethan, was born. He was a new year’s baby with a unique birthday of 01/01/01. Now he is no longer a baby. He… Continue reading

Happy 15th Birthday Ethan

Today as most of the world celebrates the New Year, The Nomads are actually celebrating  a New Year event of our own. On this day, 15 years ago, our family was blessed with the birth of our second son. Today is the day that Ethan turns a decade and a… Continue reading