Happy 20th Birthday Noah

Today is a landmark day for The Nomad household. Our eldest Nomad Son turned 20. Happy 20th Birthday Noah! Why is it a landmark day? Because our eldest son is no longer a teenager. No longer a teenager. It is hard to believe that Mama Nomad and I have a… Continue reading

Happy 17th Birthday Ethan

For many of you avid readers and fans of LivingNomadStyle.com, you know that our middle son, Ethan, was born on January 1st. So, while the rest of the world is celebrating New Year’s, we are saying “Happy 17th Birthday Ethan!” That’s right. Our middle son is now legally able to… Continue reading

Happy 13th Birthday Trevor

Happy 13th Birthday Trevor! On Thursday our youngest Nomad turned 13! That’s right. Our youngest Nomad is a teenager. This marks the day that we now have all 3 Nomad sons as teenagers (19, 16 and 13). It is really hard to believe that the last Nomad son is a… Continue reading

Mama Nomad’s 2017 Birthday

It was September 8, 2017. In our house that is a special day. As many of you know, we take birthdays seriously. And September 8th was Mama Nomad’s 2017 Birthday! Now, commonly Mama Nomad wants to celebrate her birthday by going on a hike, outdoor exploration or some sort of… Continue reading

Celebration In Las Vegas

You know the phrase, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” That was a clever marketing campaign to get people to come to Vegas, party, gamble and have guilt free fun. Well, I just had a birthday and do not intend to stand by the marketing campaign. I want everyone to… Continue reading

Daddy Nomad Birthday In Vegas

Today may just be March 27th to some of y’all, but to our bunch it is a big, big day to celebrate. It’s Daddy Nomad’s BIRTHDAY!!!! There’s something that most of Daddy Nomad’s birthdays have in common……they’re pretty chill. He’s not one for a bunch of hoopla or to make a big… Continue reading

Happy 19th Birthday Noah

It is hard to believe that 19 years ago I became a Dad for the first time. That was the day that my eldest son was born. Now, 19 years later, my first born is no longer a baby. He has matured into a fine young man that any parent… Continue reading

Happy 16th Birthday Ethan

It’s that time again. Most of the world celebrated New Year’s today. At the Nomad household we celebrated a birthday. 16 years ago our middle Nomad son, Ethan, was born. He was a new year’s baby with a unique birthday of 01/01/01. Now he is no longer a baby. He… Continue reading

Happy 12th Birthday Trevor

Today our youngest Nomad just turned 12. Now, to most, 12 is not a landmark birthday. Being 1, as it is the first, then 5 because you are a whole hand and then 10 because you are double digits, followed by 11 because you are no longer able to count… Continue reading

Happy Birthday Mama Nomad 2016

Another year has come and gone and it is that time again. Mama Nomad is the matriarch of our crazy, out of the box nomadic family. She is basically the lynch pin that holds us together by taking care of everything from travel research and points of interest to planning… Continue reading